3 Tips To Reduce the Risk of a Kitchen Fire
8/29/2022 (Permalink)
Three Tips That Will Help You Avoid A Fire While Cooking
Kitchen fires are the most common cause of house fires. Here are three helpful tips to help homeowners and residents avoid starting a fire while cooking and minimize the risks associated with kitchen appliances such as the cooktop or range in a home kitchen located in Leawood, KS.
1. Always Monitor Cooking Food
It is easy to lose track of time when you step away from the stove or oven. For this reason, it is advisable to make an effort to stay in the kitchen or delegate this responsibility the entire time you are cooking over an open flame. If you must leave the room, always set a timer that you can hear anywhere, and be sure to check back frequently.
2. Be Careful With Hot Oil
One of the most damaging types of kitchen fires is a grease fire. Many types of hot cooking oil can catch fire independently between 750 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit with a flashpoint around 600 degrees. One of the most important tips for putting out grease fires is to try dousing these extra-hot blazes with baking soda or salt or depriving the flames of oxygen with a metal pan or lid rather than using an extinguisher, which may cause the fire to spread.
3. Check Cooktops and Ranges
Homeowners should make sure that no combustibles such as cookbooks, loose-leaf printed recipes, or towels are stored too close to the stove. If flames shoot up or start to spread, the severity of fire damage will rapidly escalate if flammable items are nearby.
These tips address the leading causes of kitchen fires. Always practice fire safety by avoiding overloading circuits and identifying exposed wiring that could start an electrical fire at a home in Leawood, KS. Taking fire safety precautions has the potential to reduce personal safety risks and minimize the severity of fire damage.