How To Protect Your Business Against Rising Flood Waters
9/1/2020 (Permalink)
Does Your Company Operate Out Of A Flood Zone?
If so, flood damage is likely a significant concern. Many businesses lose thousands in equipment damage and recovery costs every year because they were not prepared for flooding. If rising waters concern you, then reach out to a local storm remediation specialist in Prairie Village, KS, to discuss preventive options.most of these companies will suggest four potential methods for securing your business.
1. Move
Moving your company because of potential storm damage may sound ludicrous, but it makes sense, especially for areas more susceptible to frequent flooding. By moving your facility to a less volatile flood zone, you reduce your risk of recovery expenses and property loss. If you do not want to move out of the area, consider finding a building on higher ground.
2. Build Barriers
Flood damage is a result of rising water levels. Thankfully, it is possible to limit the water's ability to reach your facility by building Barriers around the property. While you can install permanent Barriers, the more popular method is piling sandbags around the facility or vulnerable entry points. The bags act as a deterrent or diverter for the floodwater, protecting your building.
3. Work Above Water Levels
If your facility has a second floor, then consider moving all sensitive equipment to that level and working from there, especially if you know a flood is coming. While it is not necessary to keep equipment on a higher floor permanently, you should move it when a flood is imminent, limiting the expense and difficulty of data replacement and recovery.
4. Install Necessary Equipment
You can install plumbing devices to limit the potential damage of a flood. Backwater valves and sump pumps are two pieces of equipment that help to reduce flood risk.
If you are concerned about potential flood damage, then take appropriate preventative action. Contact a storm mitigation company to discuss specific measures with your facility.