Landscaping Tips to Prevent Flooding
4/29/2020 (Permalink)
Tips to Prevent Flooding
Heavy rains can mean big troubles for homeowners in Prairie Village, KS. While there are many ways to reinforce basements, foundations, and other structural components, which often can be expensive, landscaping is another way to keep outside flooding from coming in. Along with minimizing damage from a rain storm, add some natural elements can also enhance a home’s curb appeal.
Changing the Landscape
Rain drainage is the main culprit behind water entering the home. Along with ensuring gutters are regularly clean and free from blockage, nature itself can be used to assist stormwater runoff.
Swales: These are depressions in the ground that contour around a slope to direct water to another place. They can be natural or manmade and rely on gravity to move water. Since they are not designed to absorb water, rocks and plants can be used to smooth the flow as the water heads to an ideal location.
Rain Gardens: Often the end source of a swale, these provide a place for water to pool and slowly enter the soil. They can range in size, depending on a home’s needs, and can be maximized by using native plants that require minimal maintenance.
Greenery: The addition of perennials and shrubs not only add curb appeal, but they also work to absorb stormwater runoff. Work with a local garden center to find ideal moisture-tolerant plants.
Additional Materials
When outside flooding is an issue, materials are available to enhance landscaping and keep the water going where it should. It can be as simple as added heavy mulch around the foundation in areas where the soil is visible or investing in pervious paving solutions that can help create a patio oasis and reduce standing water.
In extreme cases of outside flooding, keeping the water out may be impossible and require the assistance of a flood and stormwater specialist. Making a few landscaping changes may be a solution to minimize the damage.