Water Conservation Tips for Your Commercial Property
2/14/2020 (Permalink)
Water Conservation Tips for Your Commercial Property
While water services are necessary for any commercial building, they can also be expensive. Every toilet flush or running faucet takes money out of your company's profits. Plus, if a leak or other disaster causes water damage, you may have to pay for emergency restoration services.
Luckily, there are steps you can take to limit the amount of water you use in your Leawood, KS, commercial facility. These tips will also come in handy if droughts or water issues limit your supply of H2O.
1. Adjust Your Faucets
Automatic faucets are expensive, but they can be a worthwhile investment. They turn on by themselves and only stay on for a set amount of time. You thus don’t have to worry about your employees leaving the water running.
These faucets don’t just save money, either. Since workers won't have to touch faucet handles, their germs won’t spread as easily.
If this water upgrade costs too much money, you can also just adjust the faucet aerator. A typical aerator uses 2.2 gallons per minute (gpm), which is almost the same amount of water utilized by a shower. Simply switching to a 0.5 gpm aerator can reduce your bathroom water usage by 80 percent.
2. Maintain Your Irrigation System
If your commercial building has an irrigation system, you should check it regularly for leaks or other water issues. Make sure the sprinklers are pointed at your actual grass and not the sidewalks or parking lot. You may also want to consider utilizing drip irrigation, which is more efficient than the spray type.
3. Remove Water-Intensive Plants
Annual plants may be pretty additions to your office, but they also use a lot of water. Consider swapping them out for colorful plants that require less water and last for a longer period of time. This will reduce your landscaping costs, as well.
These strategies should allow you to keep your building functioning properly even if there are water issues in your area. They will also save you money on your water bill.