Tips for Flood Prevention in Your Community
5/22/2019 (Permalink)
So far, it's impossible to prevent rain from falling and high waves to overflow their banks. The control of natural events is still out of the hands of humans. However, there are some flood prevention tactics that can keep properties safe from damage. You may recognize some of these methods in action in Overland Park, KS. Town planners are often responsible for actions, such as
• Keeping waterways clear
• Installing and maintaining drainage systems
• Clearing litter and debris out of water ways and drainage systems
Coastal Defense Walls
Communities situated near large bodies of water may have sea walls, tide gates, and sand bag barriers in place. These structures are intended to prevent tide and its waves from bringing too much was on shore.
Water Retention
In many communities, retaining walls such as levees, lakes, dams, retention ponds, and reservoirs are used to hold excess water. These are especially helpful under flooding conditions. Today, many of these solutions are structured to function as attractive landscaping, as well as providing flood prevention.
Detention Basins
This solution involves a small reservoir that is connected to a waterway. The reservoir serves as temporary water storage until the water is able to flow back into the waterway. It also holds water and gives the community a longer amount of time to evacuate when necessary.
Vegetation to Prevent Erosion
Bare soil is much more likely to wash away than land help in place by trees, shrubs, and grasses. You may see vegetation throughout your neighborhood that will break up the flow of moving water, reducing erosion, and limiting the flow of flood waters.
If you're not sure what you can do to reduce the necessary flood cleanup and damages around your commercial property, contact water and flood remediation professionals in your area for more advice. These professionals can offer advice about the impact of litter and the ways that high water is most likely to affect your property.
What steps can you take to improve flood prevention? Make your voice heard as a business owner. Engage in civic planning and take time to learn more about flooding.