How To Prepare for a Home Fire When You Have Pets
2/5/2019 (Permalink)
How to Prepare For a Fire Emergency
The thought of a fire in your home in Overland Park, KS can be scary, especially if you have pets. However, being prepared for the worst can help you react appropriately if a fire emergency does occur.
1. Take Precautions
Although not all fires are preventable, it’s often wise to do what you can to prevent a fire from occurring in your home by focusing on pet safety. If your pets roam around the house while you are away, making sure to keep away potential fire hazards out of reach from your pets can be helpful. Since not all fire hazards can be easily moved, it’s often best to keep pets in an area where they do not have access to potentially dangerous items while you are out of your house.
2. Make a Plan
Knowing how to react in the event of a fire emergency is important for everyone, but it’s especially important when you have pets. Make a plan of escape and know how to escape your home if your first route of escape is blocked off. After you have a plan, it’s useful to frequently practice this plan. If a fire does occur, having a plan in place can save you time and energy and can ultimately keep you and your pets safe.
3. Prepare Documentation
Part of pet preparation involves updating documents about your pets and keeping them in a fire-resistant container. If your pet does need veterinary care after a fire, having all of your pet’s documents in one place can save you a great deal of stress. Additionally, placing a sticker on a window at the entrance of your home that includes the number of pets in your home can be beneficial for firefighters when entering your home.
Taking steps to prevent a fire from occurring, making a fire escape plan and preparing documents that pertain to your pets can help you prepare for a fire. If a fire emergency has affected you and your home, it may be useful to contact fire damage restoration experts.