3 Tips for Recognizing Mold
11/28/2018 (Permalink)
When it comes to your Overland Park,KS, business you want to make sure everything stays in top shape. This includes taking care of your company building as well, and may even mean calling an indoor environmental specialist to help make sure the property is free of mold. Here are some things they may look for when going over the building.
1. The Scent
Mold’s scent is probably one of its most distinctive features. Many would call it unpleasant or musty. An odor like this in a damp location may mean mold growth is a possibility. A mold remediation professional may be able to locate the source of the odor in order to find possible mold, even when none is visible.
2. Visual Signs
An indoor environmental specialist may also look for visual signs of mold. While most people think of green spotty patches, mold may also appear as white, grey, brown and even orange. Its texture also varies and early mold may look like mildew. The location and the length of growth time may affect the mold's appearance. A visual sign also includes the location as mold grows best where moisture is readily available.
3. A Mold Test
When in doubt a mold test can be performed to determine what type of mold, if any, is growing in an area. The type of test used can vary depending on what is being tested. There is a test for substances that are possibly surface mold, and a separate one to test for spores in the air. If looking at a ventilation system, a third method may be utilized.
With the help of an indoor environmental specialist you can rid the company property of mold, and also take the necessary steps to prevent future growth. Mold can usually be identified by scent and appearance, but when in doubt a test can be performed.